is raeNiNG toW Day. soKer wus casoLD. IM BorD to Day ritnow I'm stiKyinG MI feet oN the taBoLe. I caN't waet too ckoowl. it stop rawNing Im stiL BorD. is WirD with copovy Hieler Hey CoPve
AuGust 1990 sat 18
personal multimedia blog in Japan
is raeNiNG toW Day. soKer wus casoLD. IM BorD to Day ritnow I'm stiKyinG MI feet oN the taBoLe. I caN't waet too ckoowl. it stop rawNing Im stiL BorD. is WirD with copovy Hieler Hey CoPve
AuGust 1990 sat 18
it 85° out sieD to Day itis Hot to me. [Laedar] I lisined to MiriaH RaeDoe I stortEd tues AOGUST 14 1990