Saturday, May 15, 1993

pop Belly pig

Note from 2012: In order to encase a fuller view of my personal history I have decided to transcribe a diary from 1990. The view points have not been changed, and the spelling (which was horrible) has not been changed. Eventually I might also include a scan of each page along with the rough transcript.


Miriah got a pop Belly pig. Neat real Neat. She's got an old frend Marlea. I like her Brothers. I have a nuther frend willie. I dont got mutch to say
my DaD is verey sick.

My pen pals address
☆ ☆ ☆
Joshua Butler
9003 Weymouth
Houston, tx, 77031
Cris Juncsma
317 blAir DR. EVERson
WA 98247

May 15 (or 16, 17) 1993

solution: this is hard
sentas: this is fun. it it for you. hard it might be.

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.