Sunday, December 05, 1993

Long Time No Wright

Note from 2012: In order to encase a fuller view of my personal history I have decided to transcribe a diary from 1990. The view points have not been changed, and the spelling (which was horrible) has not been changed. Eventually I might also include a scan of each page along with the rough transcript.


Long Time No WRight. December agin, december 5th for that matter.receved are Howle famly Receved a present in the mail from Uncle Tim, yesterday.

I got this DiYRA form some chiNY TowNe a long long time ago, still remember it tho. in about 34 pages IVe coverd 3 almost 4 yiers, wow!

well another Book revuew: I recomend fast forward as a Book for ligh laghs and Deth walk as a sereos surrvivle story. the 5th of December 1993
PS. Hope I WRIghT soon!!

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.