6-29-94 9:47 AM
Dear Sam, BeN, LiL, Sil, Pil, Danny Jr., or who ever? Hello last day camping
going to Ant (He, He!) Shallys. Try to find camp resetes In keep them. well Ill wright you soon (with in 2 years) 6-29-94 9:50 AM
personal multimedia blog in Japan
6-29-94 9:47 AM
Dear Sam, BeN, LiL, Sil, Pil, Danny Jr., or who ever? Hello last day camping
going to Ant (He, He!) Shallys. Try to find camp resetes In keep them. well Ill wright you soon (with in 2 years) 6-29-94 9:50 AM
June (6) - 25th (25) 1994 (94)
1st of vacation. in seaside for reuyon. saw, moms side, reletives. the tock photos. (have had good luck!) 10:18pm As of Now. See ya! -- Wright ya! 6-25-94