Tuesday, July 06, 1999


Note from 2012: I am missing a diary from about 1998 to 2002. I wrote a lot of poems in that time, but to the best of my knowledge I didn't write any diary entries. I will provide some of the poems here as a way to represent my melodramatic mind during those "missing years" and on some of the poems (2000-2002) the dates are only approximate. The thoughts were sometimes experimental, and not a total reflection of my life. Just poetry of a teenager. I won't upload all of them, but I will upload a few to fill in any gaps in my chronological record.


The poem on this page is from a computer text file I kept on my handmade 80486.




My ears are hearing the evening rain
quietly in the dark
beyond my window the night drips in
softly with the drips of water, that fill the ground
Dirt to mud, mud to water, water to rain
My blurry eyes, want to see
But I am left with a mystery
The moans of pleasure, not my own, but oh so near
Were, for a few brief moments, all I could hear
And now the rain has washed away the simple thoughts, so quick
I am left with an odd, slippery, feeling deep inside my soul
Who was this word that I heard?
And when will it end?
I want to gain the entry, I want to get the answer
But all I am left with is the question,
and the story begins to fade, once again

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.