Monday, October 03, 1994

happy birthday tooo me

Note from 2012: In order to encase a fuller view of my personal history I have decided to transcribe a diary from 1990. The view points have not been changed, and the spelling (which was horrible) has not been changed. Eventually I might also include a scan of each page along with the rough transcript.



♪happy birthday toooo me♪

The 1st time ever that Ive righten on my B-Day! We went home for a week and mom stayed, but she sent flowers. Im 3 now, er 13 Now. How old R You? Question: Answer me sirresly, am I dead? If so, I love you mom and DaD and Bros and sistes and every one elts. oops I used a hole page! like I sed this isnent a secret diAry Becouse you reading it. Or are you?


All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.