Wednesday, March 31, 1993

a vuew Days ago

Note from 2012: In order to encase a fuller view of my personal history I have decided to transcribe a diary from 1990. The view points have not been changed, and the spelling (which was horrible) has not been changed. Eventually I might also include a scan of each page along with the rough transcript.


A vuew DAys ago me and Timmie weNT whiTh wille To see "allaDoN" (AT The Moves) FUN Then afTeR warDs we wheNT To RouND TaBBel Peatsu. FUN

(Hope Fully) were GoiNg on a 3 or 4 Day TRip (we might NOT Go to NighT But cold GO TO marrow
end of martch 1993
we weNT To a cosiNs RestRouNT (TRavis 19) iTs a Mexsocon Fast FooD Rest RouNT.
After NooN of The eND of MarTch 1993

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.