Saturday, March 06, 1993

ben eveN Loger

Note from 2012: In order to encase a fuller view of my personal history I have decided to transcribe a diary from 1990. The view points have not been changed, and the spelling (which was horrible) has not been changed. Eventually I might also include a scan of each page along with the rough transcript.


Well iTs ben eveN Loger IV roghted iN thid book. that frend willie is timmies Too. willie is a good fRenD. I like righting But I spell TerBoL. I like home scooLen. Wille doseNT Home ScooL buT Thats OK. IV ben hAVen bad dreams lately. IV fouND ThaT IV prFoRmeD a MeNTol compasiTy anD Now srNT thigs caN HaPPiN When I whaNT iT TO. (Whean I DREAM). Ps. This isneNT a secret DIARY your look at it arNT you? [erly iN The MorNiNG of: Match 6 1993]

I ThoT I sholD GiVe you a Trans laTion of pg 2. (Augest 1990 SAT. 18) is raiNing toDay
soccer was canSoLD. IM BourD toDay right NOW IM sTicking my feet ON The TaBoL. I caNT WhaTe Tell (* IM ABOL) Too cook. it starTed poriNG (* the tAin) IM still Bourd (The last 6 or 7 worDs are JumBoLed up.) * this meaNs The worDs iN The BrackeTs sholD HAve BeN There BUT werNt. This was rea Did oN The: 6Th of Martch 1993

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.