Tuesday, April 20, 2004

that sucked

I just typed about not knowing what to say, and then I pressed submit and it was eaten by the random chaos of the universe... my entry is forever gone. A quick summary of what i mentioned... on Sunday, I saw a very cool documentary about the Theremin instrument... if you dont know about Theremins you should follow the links to learn about it. It was an electronic instrument invented in 1919, its played by moving your hands around a box, in the air... its really freaky and interesting I think. I also said I was affraid of posting a totally boring entry (because I couldnt remember what i was going to say) so I would sign off with: Seth called me, he is coming up to Tokyo to visit on the 27th until the 5th! Cool... and also, the web is amazing if you let yourself sink into the surf... they think jesus died in japan...! and they are actually fighting about what to feed a rabbit!?! And this amazing painting of Japanese-American nisei babies in an American concentration camp (link ref). I love the net... its endless... SAMPAI JUMPA LAGI...
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