Sunday, April 04, 2004

snow and dreams

This was originally posted on a different server that is now lost, reposted for history in 2013.




but not snow in dreams




First off, I want to mention snow. I didn't really snow hard in Tokyo this year (maybe we will get a hard snow later this year, but I dont think so...) However, today, in this area we got a quick surprize shower this afternoon. I was talking to my Korean friends about that, and apparently they got dumped on. It snowed so heavy today, over there across the ocean. Made me jump back into my memories again. Childhood was the first snow memory that came to mind. I lived in the country-side, forests, trees, and big hills. One year, me and my friend Samuel climbed up a steep hill behind his house. The air was bright, I remember the sun shining on the snow, and honestly, the day right now is kind of lost in the haze of my bad memory... but I do remember the thrill of being up on the top of a tall hill, and just dropping down down down over newly packed snow, roaring down, watching the trees slip past. The next snow memory that randomly slipped into my mind, is when I was in college... I think it was my senior year, and I was helping Nakayama with homework. Nakayama has a very impulsive personality and after homework suggested we try to slide in the newly fallen snow. We didnt have a sled, so we just used bags and slid down on our butts. It was such fun, being silly and just getting muddy and wet from the snow. I like snow.... so, I know the snow in Korea must suck, but I am somehow jelous... maybe I wont be next year when I have to go to school in it, live in it, push my way to the bus in it. Snow!?




Dreams. I have weird dreams. A long time ago I stopped having scary dreams when I learned how to control my dreams. I dont always control them, but when something goes wrong in the dreams, my self-edit mode normally starts and I can turn off the bad part of the dream, or if its really bad I can switch it litterly like a TV channel, and sometimes I even reboot it. (all these words are litteral devices I use in controling my dreams.) When I really have to, I can even turn my dreams off and wake up. If you didnt think I was crazy before, maybe you think I am now? ^.^; Anyway, the other day I had this dream with the back of someone's head that seemed really creepy, so I changed it, and it changed back to that shot, so I changed it again, and it changed back, so I switched the "dream channel" and the channel switched back, and I was just annoyed, so I decided to wake up. I woke up and laid there and then suddenly fall back asleep and was back in that dream and the person turned around and started pointing at me. I tried to switch it again and it didnt work, so I turned it off and woke up. Once again I feel back asleep too quickly, so fast in fact. It was kind of weird. This time the person was pointing at me and laughing and saying I made a mistake. It was really creepy. I tried to change, and tried to do all my normal things... and then it hit me, why was I falling asleep so quickly? And remembering my dreams so clearly? I was asleep still, I wasnt really turning off my dreams, my sub-brain was tricking me! When I realized that I was able to really turn of the dream and wake up for real. Weird huh? Final creepy thought... if I was able to reprogram myself to control my sub-brain (control my dreams) could it reprogram itself to control my awaking time? Is that madness?? Ahhhh!! ^^; Anyway... thats enought about that. Any questions?








23:54:00 | permalink | comments (11)




Dansen-- I was just thinking, I think you've got the year mistaken, unless you're calling the year you graduated your super-senior year. Because the time that it snowed really hard was the year before you graduated. Don't want to sound nitpicky, just thought you'd want to be able to properly contextualize your memories. Evan




It's not really illegal if no one knows right? It's like Yuka's theory that if we don't know how much we owe in loans, then we shouldn't pay them. I just need away to survive for a few weeks until I get my Visa and start working. The job in Kanagawa is with the same company, but the Yokohama branch instead of the Tokyo branch. If it's in Yokohama, or near, I will take it. I may have to commute a little, since I still want to live in Tokyo. The problem that Ai doesn't seem to understand is that if I go to Japan before I get my visa, I will have to go to Korea, which I can't afford. I also wanted to by a one year open ticket, but I don't know if I can get one of those without a visa. Aaron




aaron working illegally? why? differetn comp? same? will they let you?? no time now, i promise cool update soon!!!! Dansen




Looks like I might be teaching in Yokohoma instead of Machida. It's actually not much further, maybe even closer, by Ai's perception is that it is farther, and she didn't seem very happy. Then again it was 1:30am when I was talking to her and she wasn't very coherent. I'll probably be there in mid April. I might work in a somewhat shady fashon for a week or two if she can find me something. Aaron




Ok I am now on JAN JAN JAN, posted a question there. I am going to ask my brother in law if he will let you distribute his learn kana program, it's very small and really helpful, think you would like it. Three months and some change....almost there. Trenchy




Yeah, the fake waking up thing has never happened to me. Usually, if I start to dream about something I don't like, I'm able to wake up. That is a thought to ponder. . .. Xal




aaron you lost track a long time ago ^^;; and i want that book, need to brush up i do... and xal, weird thing wasnt the lucid dreaming it was the mind tricking fake waking up thing that got me... and ted, same kind of thing triggered my lucid dreaming, wonder if its a trend! hmm! ^^ dansen




I just found the Illustrated Dictionary of Japanese Onomatopoeic Expressions in the library. It's fun. Aaron




That doesn't seem strange at all. in fact I belive it has a neme. yeah. . . lucid dreamer. it's a subconcious thing. Good luck with it! -Xal




I will sometimes have dreams where it's bad, so I wake up, only I didn't actually wake up and it goes bad again. Or sometimes when I am awake and walking around campus or something, I will remember something that I did or that heppened or that someone said, only I have this strange feeling that it didn't really happen. Eventually I realize that what I thought happened was actually in a dream. It feels like I am loosing track of what's real and what's not when I am awake. Aaron




I am the same as you in that I too can control my dreams. It just happened one time when I was younger and being chased be wolves in a dream and I just stoped running and said the hell with it what is the worst that can happen.. and as it turned out I did not die. From that day on I could control my dreams. Lucid Ted

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