Saturday, September 25, 2004

shipping off my computer

Originally from an old server that is now gone. Reposted in September 2006.

and some cool links and whatnot

If all goes well, I will be putting my computer in a box and sending it off to Korea today. Not sure how much its going to cost though... hope not too much! And I hope it goes to the right place, I'm a bit worried about that. And for those who think I'll be making a lot of money in Korea, I'm actually going to be making less than I am making in Japan! 2 Million won might sound like a lot, but in US money its about $1,740 a month. (1,418 EURO, 192,956 YEN) I'll be enough but it aint no 2 million bucks so dont get no distorted ideas!

As a movie fan, I want to say I want to see The New Police Story a Jackie Chan movie. (That link is actually really cool, if you go to the english site and click "video" and then on the "trailer" you'll be taken to a really cool media viewer that has a lot of HK movie previews on it, woohoo!)

I think its time to be the first (?) blog to announce Hollywood's sea change. Its a new market, its a new world, no longer is it weird to have endless sequels, its the new way of making movies... why only have one movie when you can have a chain and have more to watch? Its not really a bad thing maybe? And if you dont belive me, check out Terminater 4.

And just like other people out there, I'm fascinated by the appearence of illegal textbooks on file sharing services. It takes a lot of work to put a book online (Just ask the good folks at project gutenburg! only 12,000 old non-copyrighted books online, and they have been working on it since 1971 or something!) ... we are talking scanning in all the pages and converting it to text, or PDF, etc etc etc.. . but the implications of this are amazing... the world's information is actually slowly going online, its happening folks, the net is summoning the world together or something else freaky like a B movie! woo woo!

Since I am going to South Korea, I thought I should share this video I found of these two young korean girls singing karaoke I found a long time ago. (Did I ever link it?) Its funny. Best of luck all, its off to Korea for me... I'll be buying a ticket and going over there and hoping all this job stuff works out. Wish me luck. DAAG!

14:06:00 | permalink | comments (2)

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my sister is saying she also wants to see the chinese movie! maybe you guys should watch it together! because im not interested!!!!


Good luck with the relocation! That's exciting! Too bad we weren't able to make it to Tokyo, but maybe now we have an excuse to visit Seoul... :)

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