The below entry was originally posted to a defunct web blog site, provided here as a record of previous events. Some content might reflect old server and not current server.
Well, its just barely the 22nd, because its 1 in the morning. I'm hungry, I should go home and make some dinner.
In less than a week I'll be in Denmark, if all goes well. Wow. I've never been to Europe, I feel like a little elephent in a big jungle-themed Broadway dance hit. Eh?
I've decided (I think) to buy the 5 megapixel [|μ-mini DIGITAL S] instead of its 8 megapixel sister. (And no, I'm not going for the 5 because I like lo-fi tech, I'm going for the 5 because.. well, its cheaper, duh.) I've been told the camera is ugly, but I've also been told I'm ugly, so I don't think I'll let the appearance of the camera stop me for buying it... its all weather design, I can film in the rain! Only thing I don't like is it cant use my SD memory cards, I'll have to invest in XD cards to make this little camera happy.
What? You want me to stop geekblogging? Bite me. Byte me. oh I'm so funny. Uh... South Korea is hot thesedays. Walking to work today I felt like a icecream cone in hell. Burning heat, and then when you step inside a building, ice cool air conditioned happyness. Yay....
Oh forgot. Go Indie Film Makers, Go! I ran across this group of fairly young dudes making a kickass geekfilm in Washington state. I wish them the best, check out their ongoing project [|Ideality]. Looks like they are trying hard... Anway, time to stop blogging .. DAAG!
6 years ago