Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Taste of Japan

Tonight after my full day of classes I went to "Taste of Japan" on campus. Once a year the AUAP department offers free Japanese food to anyone. Free. Free! Yay! It was really good stuff, and this year it seemed like there was so many more people there. I got in like first for the soup and stuff, but the line for the Onigiri was so long that I never got any... ...I like Onigiri~!! oh yeah before I forget .. I also tricked the nice people who were writing foreign people's names in Kanji. I walked up and said "Hello can you write my last name in Kanji? My last name is Seklongklic." ha ha ha! I'm so evil. (thats SO HARD to write in japanese.) 2 of the artists said they couldn't, but one person tried. look at their effort here.... My life is spinning. Hey! I gave my request for graduation today. That was the FINAL step, now I just have to wait and see if I'll be able to graduate. Hmmm. I hope so!! ..hmm... Oh! Pirate party pictures! yuka and me durring the 'jig' contest (its such a silly picture!) and also yuka trying to kill me with a sword while ted and another watch (wow! that was a long title!) Anyway, it was a fun party... I wish I had more photos of the other people and stuff... I'm so sleepy right now. my neighbor keeps caughing all night, and so it takes me forever to get to sleep! So I haven't had any good sleep recently... sorry for complaining... oh yeah! if you can read japanese, go to my japanese diary because I'm going to put a cool posting about when I was hitch hiking in Japan... anyway. my brain is gunna exploade? yiiiii~~ peace. TEMAN SAYA, SAMPAI JUMPA!


All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.