Friday, August 06, 2004

my friends from korea visited

Originally from an old server that is now gone. Reposted in September 2006.

and other thoughts

My friends from Korea just went home the day before yesterday... it was a whirl-wind week of doing all sorts of things and going all sorts of places... it was really fun to see them here in Tokyo, and to introduce them to some of my Japanese friends...

From left: Chige, Da Yeon, Yusuke, Tae Yeon, Chie, and Hiromi
not original, this was reuploaded from japanese diary source.
(2nd, 4th, and 5th are the Korean people who came to visit...!)

I took litterly millions of pictures, and a lot of those can be seen on my korean page, and maybe I will post them here too if I feel like it (but thinking its too much work and space to load into this account.)

The turn of the new month blanked out the entry I put at the end of last month, so if you missed my thoughts about rain rain rain feel free to check it out... or any other entries, just navigate by using the calander on your left.

I think this picture of college students expereincing zero g in a dropping NASA jumbo jet is awesome. All the faces and ways the bodies are posed make it so classicallly cool. This is the future, someday college kids will be spinning around in space for spring brake?? (link is hi-res and will load super slow if you dont have a super awesome fast speed modem.)

I was doing some more VR research in my never ending quest for useless knowledge and found this interesting article about how video game characters/robots scare some people. I have never found lifeless beings annoying or "uncanny", I wonder if I could have a tea party with a group of mind eating zombies and not care?

Has anyone here seen The Swimmer? It came on TV last night at about 1 at night, and I should have gone to sleep but I was some how pulled in... its a really odd late 1960s movie about ... well, just watch it or read a review I dont think I can explain it good in a few sentences. But I have to say atleast it captavated me. I also saw the ending of some Japanese movie before The Swimmer which must have been made in the 1980s, and it had high school students singing in the rain and taking their clothes off (but you couldnt see anything, if you have a kinky mind) and then ended with some kid jumping out a third-story window. I would have had to see the whole movie to understand what was going on, I guess...

I am thinking about opening two more blogs. One in Indonesian, not because I am any better with that language, but because I'm not and I need some way to practice... and another in Korean, not because I can even use Korean yet, but because I found an awesome Japanese-Korean web dictionary that I want to use more. OK, first person to call me a language geek wins 10 points. Wooo woo. DAAG!

02:36:00 | permalink | comments (5)

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hello dansan!
its christina from pennsylvania. well, san antonio now.
2802 Goliad Road #A303
San Antonio TX 78223

send a postcard
im lonely over here ^^
Take Care

ok, lets not be sexist peoples, i have a lot of friends... female and male, and both are equally cool human beings. :) human equality yo! and yeah, Tanya... I am leaving, I am moving to Korea!! will go some time in late september or early october.. new post soon but i think i am too sleepy tonight to clearly right anything... aaaaaah...

I saw "The Swimmer" years ago and thought that the film was about a suburban man who has had a nervous breakdown after losing his family somehow. But, I linked onto the review, and maybe he was just dead or dreaming through the whole film. I don't know. Anyway, the movie was really weird and a little depressing.

Anyway, Diego's funny. You have dozens of girlfirends, huh, Dansen!

Hey Dansen you language geek (where's my 10 points?!). Actually I saw this really geek magazine at the store the other day. It had articles like, "How to talk physics, and still pick up". It think it was some yank mag because it was 15 bucks! Heard on the grapevine you are going to leave NOVA. Where are you going next? Another job? Another place?

Two more blogs? You're too much! You need a girlfriend! Go procreate or something! I am afraid of your photoblog because it bogs down my browser - but I will be adventurous...


All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.