Wednesday, August 25, 2004

thinking about going to Korea soon...

Originally from an old server that is now gone. Reposted in September 2006.

and being quiet-sad?

You know? If I wrote an IQ test it would go something like this... Socks are to clothes dryers as Unbrellas are to _____________ . If you said "trains" you read my mind. I think I have lost about 10 unbrellas to those beasts... you get in, set your unbrella beside you (its wet so you dont want to snuggle up with it) and then forget it when you rush out the doors...

Recently I have been starting to miss Japan, and I havent moved to Korea yet. If I havent made my plans clear before, let me do so now. In early october I will be moving to Korea... I needed a change and a new chalange but I am already getting sad, missing my neighberhood, and all the things about Tokyo that used to annoy me are now sentimental. Because I feel like making another list, I now offer a list of things (in no order) that I will miss about being here:

1) The food. I dont know why this came to mind first, but it did... and I am not even hungry right now... fresh sushi, creamy nato maki, crispy fried gyoza, and the list goes on! yummy!

2) The wild fashions. Last time I was in Korea they had nothing to compare to the young fashions here. Much has been said for the wild punky street-kei stuff, although I havent heard much about the punker grandmas... they remind me of my own mom who said she would do this someday when older.. they dye their hair purple, or other colors and ware strange clothes (even saw one in a pot-leaf sweater but maybe she didnt know what it was?) and sometimes wear semi-reveling clothes (by accident??)... rock on grandmas!

3) The odd-ball advertisements that are all over the place... ok, lets change number three to the odd media that is everywhere. Media weirdness!

4) The energy of the City.... I think it wouldnt be an over statement to say the city of Tokyo itself is Alive.

5) The perverts. Once I found my personal run-ins with gropers, flashers, peeing in public freaks, and all sorts of other messed up people annoying but now I think I will miss the laughs.... with a City this big, I guess you cant help but to have such people.

6) The food. wait did I say that one already? \o.O/

7) The international-vibe... recently Tokyo has been evolving into a real international community, with people from all over the place... I like that, hearing languages from everywhere and the slow stir of cultures.

OK enough of that sappy "missing Tokyo" stuff!

I thought I should mention something that I first mentioned on my Japanese diary... I was coming home from the conveince store after over hearing my new neighbor speak in loud American English and thinking about how many of us gaijin now populate this area. And anyway, I had bought a meal, and I sat on the steps of the coin-laundry and began to eat it. These young guys (early 20s?) came by and one of them looked right at me, and said to his friend: "Dammmmmn man, theres so many of them." I just sat there watching them go past, but I remember thinking this was annoying. Not because he seemed irrated by so many of us non-Japanese being around (I can feel sympathy for that, sometimes us non-Japanese dont follow the rules etc) but because it was very clear by him saying that directly infront of me that he thought that non-Japanese couldnt understand him. That frustrated me.... I cant really put it into words, I guess, but it felt weird.

In another unrelated idea, I love creative thinkers. These people spent the time to program on a plant simulator. This dosent just simulate the end result, it allows you to watch the flower grow and to change evolutional patterns and all sorts of things. This is by deffintion useless to such a large spread of the world, and because of that I think that its really beautiful.

I have decided to be depressed and quiet for awhile. Sad feelings might do me good for awhile. So let me sit in my misty room, mental blankets pulled up over my head. Besides, being sad produces good poetry...

Enjoy your moments. DAAG

03:03:00 | permalink | comments (6)

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I fixed it I fixed it. All you who use good browsers like Mozilla, it will work now.


I had no idea that Tokyo had such an assortment of perv's--I thought that was an Albuquerque exclusive.

If you don't like living in Korea after you get there you can always move back to Japan, so don't freak out ; )

if theres any new users of this blog or old users who are not using MS Internet Explorer... I'm sorry.. my menu wont go in the right place, I'll fix that sometime soon.. but for now, enjoy the menu.. and my site's new look! woooo!

diego.. this isnt a porn diary, and porn jokes are for porn pages :p you are just lucky I didnt delete your crazy post heeheehee but thanks for trying to chear me up, you are one nice man-man! :)

Whenever you are sad, just think about the good times and the cuddling we used to do, and when I whisper a foreign language in your ear sweet nothings about the island we'll live on while raising our two kids.

And being nude all the time without a care in the world about how skinny your butt looks.

Hey, I cheered you up with that visual trip.

Yeah, sounds like you'll miss Japan. It's been such a big part of your life.

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.