Friday, June 13, 2003

Mid-week update...

Just wanted to say I'm frickin DONE!! Forever and ever and ever, amen. I've finished writting my huge complicated paper, and I've taken my last final test. Ladies and gentalmen, when Saturday rolls around Dansen will be a graduated man. Woohoo! I cant express my feelings in words!

For those of you who remember, Nicky got married. And yes, I am the world's best reporter, I always get the scoop. Yes, I am the ONLY person (?) to have captured the moment when the brand new couple kissed to seal their deal. Yes thats right, and I made it an animated image file. You can watch it loop, over and over. Its kinda sexy! hahaha. Enjoy it here...

Did any of you guys play that mental game when you were kids.. the game were you would dream about what you would take with you if you were going to be strandad on an island? Sometimes it was "if you could only bring one thing, what would it be?" other times it was kinda evil, and it was a list of people and you could only take one of them with you, all the others would have to die... but the one that I'm thinking about now was when you would just try to think of a list of things you could fit on a rowboat when your sailboat was sinking, just a few things that you would take with you to start a new life on an island...~~~ did anyone guess the connection yet? hehehe.. I'm going to Japan and after 5 years I have a lot of stuff... I mean, I'm not connected to objects, things aren't so important to me. But a lot of the things I have aren't valuable they are just old good books, letters from friends, silly birthday gifts, all sorts of stuff that has memory value. I can't take it all with me to Japan, so what will I bring? Its a hard choice, I'm still not sure. Thats what I'm thinking about right now. ...

As a side note, I've added links to Piyosan and Cory's online diaries. Cory's is so complex, pictures and stuff, its on a Korean server though so it would be helpful if you can read Korean. Piyo's is in Japanese so if you cant read Japanese its kinda useless to go there, although it is a really cute diary (I helped design it a little bit)....~~ Anyway, thats all I have to say for now. PEACE TO THE WORLD! or something like that! ^^; SAMPAI JUMPA!


All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.