Friday, March 07, 2003

YAY! Hye Jin Shin is coming to Bellingham!

One of my friends from BIP Korea is coming to Bellingham tomorrow, to visit Hye Yeon (one of the other BIP people who is here) and me! yay! Its going to be fun seeing Hye Jin again... I'll post pictures here when I get them.

... I did some creative "hacking" off Hanmail and now I have all sorts of digital ways to express myself. Yay!

ALSO! My current FAVORATE SITE is awesome!! OK its sweedish (whats up with me and sweedish stuff recently??) but its so cool ~!! Farm animals doing weird things and stuff! You can even learn some sweedish from this program... I'll include some sweedish I learned so far, to help you....starta is guess what.. start! click this to start your journey into crazyland! bonuspoang is bonus points (try to get these!) and aterstall means "clear" which means start over in a few of the games... avsulta is close (use this to close some of the games)! ,.,.. for somewhere to start, click on the "sheep" and play the pooping letters game thing, its fun to write with shit! uhmmm. yay! (You'll need Flash, shockwave, and a fast connection to use this site!)

And in other news... I performed a Japanese rap at an open mic yesterday. I was cutting into it, busting out rhymes in Japanese, doing real good and smooth... and then I heard someone do a little laugh.. maybe they though my rap sucked, maybe they thought it was so good, (or right now I'm thinking maybe they didn't get it so found it funny?) but in any case they made a little noise that distracted me and BOOM suddenly I lost the next verse, my mind couldn't find it.. I was so frustrated..!! so I made a funny face, said a few random lines in Japanese about not being able to know what to say next, and then cut to my final chorus. It was a fairly good save, but I regret not being able to do the third verse.. its one of my favorates because the rhyme setup is sweet! anyway... thats my word to the people. SAMPAI JUMPA!!


All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.