Sunday, December 22, 2002

* * Nine paper journals online! (click!) * *

I'm a total idiot! ^^*; Its 4AM right now, I just spent the whole time since about 5PM making nine of my paper notebook poem journals reable online. Why? I'm dumb. And most of the poems in the journals suck, because they are rough drafts... but anyway, you can read through my really personal feelings from a few years ago now! yay?!!! I hope it tastes good. Give me your comments of course! SAMPAI JUMPA!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2002

weekend update...

Well, I'm editing a paper for Kayo and I decided to take a quick brake to say a few thoughts about my silly weekend.

Late friday night (11:30pm?) I went with Steve to a party at Nickie & Emily's house. It was fun! Everyone was drinking and I started drinking skewdrivers and whatever else I was handed. It was kind of bad to drink that much... but I did end up seeing a lot of people who knew people I knew. I had some major euphoria going on! Cool~! Eventually I drank too much and puked on myself (don't really clearly remember this) and then put myself to bed.. or maybe someone else helped me fall asleep on the sofa? Because I don't remember taking my socks off. Anyway, thats too much drinking and thats what happens. But Nickie & Emily are great hosts and it was a great party guys! (Emily even made me brakefest in the morning and Nickie gave me a ride home in her cool car~)

Saturday... I saw too of the dumbest movies ever. They sucked so bad that I really liked it. (I like dumb movies...~) The first one was the "heart warming" story of a boy's father who dies and comes back as a snowman! It was so stupid, it was called Jack Frost, I think, and it had all the stupid phrases and corny special effects. It was almost so bad that it wasn't even good because it was badder than bad. Also saw "Hard Rain" about these bad guys who try to steal money durring a major rain storm or something and they are fighting the goodguys who also say lots of dumb things with silly special effects. I thought, if I was a stupid holywood company I would save money and make both movies into one! "Hard Snow" about a kid's father who dies and comes back as a snow-monster or something durring a wild snow storm and he attacks all the evil bad guys who are trying to steal money from his kid's bank. Or something equally stupid. (^_^) ... I like dumb TV, it hurts.

sunday...thats today. I didn't do much today besides read that Japanese cartoon that Priscilla gave me. Its really damn funny! I made a translation so everyone can see what I mean, I'll put it here soon... (in an update, so don't forget to check this entry again)

Friday, December 13, 2002

Everyones gone! Its the Christmas season and no one is around....~

I found a messed up website. its just wrong, its gross offensive, bad, nasty and weird. ^^; !! Actually it seemed like something Nicky might like.

I look foward to a peaceful unstressed weekend! yay! "simple life is what I want, simple life is what I need" DAAG!

Monday, December 09, 2002

weekend update (?):

This saturday I went to Seattle! I hadn't been to Seattle in a long time, so that was cool. Priscilla's friend Ryan drove us (him, priscilla, jun, nori, and me) up there, and we all went shopping at Wajimaya & went to a cool Hong Kong cafe! It was really fun. The food at the cafe ("The Purple Dot Cafe" I think) was really good I think, I was still eating when everyone else finished. (we were sharing food together) I was going to finish all the food, but no one else was eating so I decided to finish so we could go. We also had really good bubble tea, I had a Taro bubble tea which is funny I think (because I have a friend named Tarou). I was sending an e-mail (partly in Japanese) to Kayo about something weird I saw today, so I think I'll paste it here... it was weird, maybe poor Suzuki-sensei has some freaky people thinking about her:

�¡“ú�A•Ï‚ÈAUAP‚Ì�¶“kŒ©‚½�I‚»‚Ì�¶“k�A–l‚Í’m‚ç‚È‚¢‚¯‚Ç�c‚»‚Ì�¶“k‚Í‚Æ‚Á‚Ä‚à•Ï‚ȃOƒ‰ƒtƒBƒeƒB�[�‘‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚½�B‚»‚̃Oƒ‰ƒtƒBƒeƒB�[�F�u‚â‚肽‚¢‚·‚¸‚«�æ�¶�I‚¿‚傤‚¤‚‚­‚µ‚¢�v�BˆÓ–¡‚Í•Ï‚Ë�H�I I need to find time to reply to my emails~! TEMAN SAYA, SAMPAI JUMPA!

Saturday, December 07, 2002

here comes the weekend..... if I can only study!!

I kind of sucked at my two quizes today. I need to do better on my finals.

I'm hoping now as I decide to go home, that I don't do a lot this weekend. I need to study.....~

This quarter is all done. All I have left is the final 2 tests. wow. SAYA MUAL?? SAMPAI JUMPA~~

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Weird~ I walked into that American style Mexican resturant downtown today. And I ordered their famous "potato burrito" and the waitress said:
"you can have it if you order it, in uhhh... Japanese!" so I just said:
�u‚Ÿ‚Ì‚£�`�c‚»‚̃|ƒeƒgƒuƒŠ�[ƒg‚¨‚Ë‚ª‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·�B�vand I wasn't even sure if I said it correct... but she was like really amazed, and started telling all the other waitors and waitresses to get their names written in Japanese, and everyhing. It was really kinda weird, but nice of her to show so much excitement. Afterwards I walked towards the bus stop, and then I realized I hadn't ever paid... so I went back to the store and I said to the lady:
"I don't think I paid...~" and she said,
"It's ok! You don't need to pay or anything, you helped us with writing Japanese!"
It was really nice of her, although I felt kind of weird about it. .... Actually, E-VAN (Yvonne) interupted this last diary entry,... she told me I was late to a radio station meeting! so I ran off to that, but now I finished... the actual time is 8:15PM... Vicky, your cool, if you can read this I tried to open up my email before my bus got here to send you a reply to your email, but my email wont let me?? I will try again.. anyway... DAAG!

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Nothing much to say... I should be studying... test soon... BUT! I forgot to mention some things about my radio show!

Last Sunday (that would be, uhm, YESTERDAY!) was an awesome show! Sou came in and we just chilled out on the air. Sou is a really awesome guy. He's an AUAP student (he's friends with Satoshi) ...~ my Boss Aaron was also in there, checking up on my 'radio skills'... he's a nice guy too. Anyway, this nice guy (?) is out of here! ...I'm tired...

Monday, December 02, 2002

nicky kayo new pic

Thanksgiving update

Not much to say, but thanksgiving was awesome! For dinner time I went to Nicky's house (first icon)... the food was so good!!! If I get a picture from Nicky, I'll post it here. It was turkey, tons of pies, salad, and all sorts of other things. It was so good, I ate until I was stuffed... and then we all played Nicky's video games which was a funny-fun thing to do on Thanksgiving day. ..Nicky was on some kind of crack high (joking!!?! ^^*;) so he totally kicked everyone's ass at the video games... well, I don't really play video games that often so winning me isn't so amazing, but he was winning against everyone! freaky guy! but it was all really cool memories...~

bob, irene, david last year
And yesterday me and Chiaki (third icon above) went to Ayano's "Grandmother" Irene's house for Thanksgiving leftovers. (Ayano is the 2nd icon)... I don't have pictures of this years time... But last year I took the above picture of (Left to right) Bob, Irene, and David. They are really nice people, Irene is a really wild old lady. She's been all over the world, and has a deep heart. After the dinner, David played music on his guitar and we sang Christmas songs. Kind of early for Christmas songs, but it was still really fun. That was thanksgiving. Yummy! By the way, I'm proud of Kayo. ^^; hehehe she's always learning something new~! Kayo called me for a super long time on Saturday night (so her new picture is the 4th icon) and we talked real late... I'm surprized her ear didn't fall off!! but that was nice of her to call~....! ... Daag, SAMPAI JUMPA!

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Polly is good~!

^^*; Or something like that! hehehehe... Actually, yeah, she captured me "dancing" and for a limited time only! you can download it right here, from my diary!! (Technical notes: you'll need a player that can do AVI files, like Real Player, and its about 600kb) .. yeah its stupid, and its dumb. Just delete it when your done!

dansen being a dork, dancing his butt off!!

thats all for now, stay tuned tomorrow for Thanksgiving information~!! (going to Nicky's, etc)...

Monday, November 25, 2002

weekend update...

pizza party!
ISC pizza party, sorry small picture
This is a picture of the PIZZA PARTY that I helped Chiaki make for the International Students Club. It was really fun, we all got together and ate pizza, and near the end we all started talking about culture and stuff. Polly, Evyan, Priscilla, Kingyao, Ryo, and of course Chiaki are people I remember being there, but there were lots of other people too. It was fun, really~ I'm not kidddding~! After the pizza party me and Kingyao hung out in his dorm... we sat in the entrance room and I just talked to people I knew when I saw them.. . we didn't do much, but it was cool too.

Nothing! Well, I really tried to do nothing but Evan (first icon above) had asked me to call him, so I gave him a call and ended up hanging out with him for awhile...~ it was fun, he showed me the new music he downloaded and his knifes (scary!) and helped me make a CD on his CDR... and when I came home, Kayo called me (the second icon above, isn't it a cute picture? Kayo dosen't like this picture...? but shes silly, its cool, right??) and we talked about all sorts of stuff... After Kayo got off the phone I had a party with just me! (I like parties with just me!) I was drinking Carona and watching silly TV. By the time I had finished my 5th Carona I think I was starting to get drunk. I went to the kitchen to get my last one, and after I opened the bottle I put it on the counter and turned around to get the lime. ... BUT! I turned too fast and nocked the bottle on to the ground. SMASH!!! It shattered into a million small parts, beer sprayed me and small glass was everywhere. I thought "oh shit!" and got napkins and tried to clean up the glass and beer... I thought I finished and I was sad I had no more beer, but ... I went back to watch TV... and as I was watching TV I realized my toes were wet, so I thought I must have not cleaned all the beer... so I put my fingers down to wipe away the beer and my fingers came back to me red, dripping with blood. I had cut my toes open. I thought "oh shit!" again, but this time more like "oh siihit..." and I went back into the kitchen and saw my bloody footprints, and so I cleaned that up and cleaned my foot and took a shower to clean my whole body. I'm such an idiot. But it was actually kind of funny...~ and I was able to do almost nothing much on Saturday, so I was happy.

I woke up late, but it was ok. I went to my radio showing thinking my boss would be watching me today ...~ but he called and told me he's coming next week to check if I can do the radio show correct. And then I went to Christina's potluck! (I forgot that Emily & Nickie were having a CSA club potluck on the same day, sorry guys!) But Christina's potluck (this is not the Christina from Wilson college, this Christina is the 3rd icon above) was so fun! She provided us all with hamburgers and hotdogs, and people brought snacks. Christina knows a lot of Japanese people, in fact Christina and her room mate, plus me and one other person were the only people who weren't born in Japan. But it was fun hanging out with alot of Japanese people, I hadn't done that in a long time. I felt like maybe I should stop pretending to not speak Japanese, maybe by now everyone has guessed that I can speak some..... but after we all ate really good food, we played a silly board game and everything, everything was so so fun. I took a picture with my normal camera, I'll maybe put it here when I get it developed some day!
Anyway, that was my weekend. It was fun, even though I had wanted to spend more time doing nothing. Maybe next weekend...~

(I updated this post to include the potluck too, so the post says "5:35" but really its "11:17" right now~~~!)

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

blue blog dancing




Everytime in the past that I typed Japanese, blogger wouldn't let me edit the entry. So will this be here forever?

Its a really silly HAIKU thing I wrote...~

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

da yeon tae yeon kayokayo~!

Just wanted to say, cool Da Yeon and Tae Yeon called me yesterday... they were hanging out together and they decided to be brave and speak in English! yay! (Hey guys, did I use the correct pictures and spell names right??? ^^*;) ... it was really fun talking to both of them, it feels like being in Korea was such a long time ago! Memories of Korea are fading in my silly head, but I want to hold on to the brightest ones... I feel like I'm holding a lot of different papers (those are my memories) and there is a strong wind (that is time) and the wind is blowing away my papers... I can grab on to some, the bright big ones, but the smaller simpler papers are blowing away from me..... Anyway, if you guys read this (I don't know, do you?) please know that it was really nice to have that phone call, thanks. After they called, Kayo called to tell me about the moon. It was cool, and she let me talk about stupid boring silly Japanese history... I like talking about that kind of stuff.

Also... I saw this really unique music video on TV the other day. I think maybe its a Tori Amos video, but I'm not sure and it dosen't matter. But its a video where there are these two people, the girl is a head on a foot and the other is a man who is a head on a hand...and thats their bodies! And they are in the "real world" of "normal" people with normal bodies. Well, they meet and like each other... the hand-guy is trying to convince the foot-lady to like him, and he chases her around as she goes through life, eventually he finds her on the beach where she has fallen down and he uses his hand-body to pick her up and brush the sand off her face. Then they kiss, and their bodies mutate, change, twist, into "real" full bodies. Its freaky, but it somehow really stuck in my mind.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Weekend update:

Nothing much. And that actually made me feel better, I didn't really try that hard to do anything this weekend. Actually didn't hang out with Priscilla and etc because I just didn't feel like doing anything this weekend. (Priscilla: I hope your not going to kill me because I didnt hang out!??) Made a couple of plans, which didn't happen, and more than that I didn't plan anything... I did talk to Kayo on the phone, which was cool. And Christina sent me an e-mail, only mentioning it because I actually haven't got so many from Christina (well, I know two Christinas, the email was from the cool Christina over at Wilson college)... On Friday I decided to have a drinking party with... just me! ^^; it was fun, I finished a whole 6-pack of cranberry beer... (and watching TV: the silly people on the weird QVC shopping channel...real freaks, Comedy Centeral, BET, the Spanish Channel, and some weird freaky 1950s movie about a killer blob from space!) Saturday was me still not feeling like doing anything, but in the evening Chiaki invited me over to hang out so I went over for a few hours... we talked, she helped me with my bad Japanese, and stuff like that. Today (Sunday) I quietly had my radio show and now I'm right here editing this blog. It was a refreshing weekend, with lots of time to think. I wondered why rainbows point down instead of up (light refraction?) and.,..when will I graduate?? and thinking will be cool to talk to Vicky again. A call from Vicky always makes me smiles, she's funny-nice. ^^*;

Thursday, November 14, 2002

I am working on my homework (!! really !! kind of, sort of working on it...) and my friend introduced me to a funny test thing.

I can force my friends to take tests and feel silly for not knowing about me! How much do you know Dansen?

take the test!

Remember, use a name that I will know so we can see how well you know me! This will be fun?!!!?!? Enjoy. SAMPAI JUMPA!

(if you don't get a good score, its ok, just ask me about the things you didn't know so you can learn more about me.)

I feel like a manicdepressive, one of those people with emotional mood swings... because damn I was so happy yesterday, but today I got lots of "bad" news... and I'm not really sad ... I'm just annoyed. Got a test back, and I made a lot of silly stupid errors. I hope I don't really fail the whole quarter at school... damn. I got a major headache too. And I'm really full of thoughts, none of them about school. I need to focus.

So I should go to my next class, huh? Hungry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002


I'm happy!

On Friday I saw tons of movies (a Japanese movie, part of an American movie, and a few Chinese movies) with Polly, Priscilla, and Yvone. (I still don't have pictures of any of them to use as icons.) It was really fun, we stayed up really late at Priscilla's house and then we all fell asleep there at around 4 or 5 in the morning. After that I walked (or took a bus? I can't remember? I was so tired!) in the fairly early morning (9? 10?). It was really fun, if any of you guys read this, thanks... it was so much fun!

And on Saturday KAYO came up to Bellingham!!

click the picture for bigger version

It was so much fun, Kayo is wonderful. Polly was accidently on the same Grayhound Bus as Kayo, so we all took the same local bus home and talked...! That was fun getting to introduce Polly to Kayo. On Saturday night we walked down to a Mexicon food restraunt, and ate there. (On the way down we ran into Evan, who was going to a friends house.) At the restraunt Kayo got the names of guacamole and an herb mixed up, and we told the waitress that our food didn't have guacamole when it did, and we were complaining and the waitress brought us the guacamole and we figured out the word difference... it was emberessing for Kayo (not really me) but really funny-fun! ^^; and after that we walked back to my house and talked until real late. On Sunday, we walked through campus to my radio show. It was fun, and Kayo had brought some of her cool CDs with her... so I was able to play some cool bands on the radio that had never been on it... for example UNICORN and BIRD... also she had some DENKI GROOVE that I didnt have, so that was all awesome. After that we walked to Haggen and shoped for sauce and stuff, and we went home and made really good noodle-food. It was so good! (We also ate ice cream, thats what the picture above is...!) The food was really good I thought, and I still have some left because we made so much. Me and Kayo stayed up together most of the night and then she left early Monday morning in a taxi. (No! She didn't take a TAXI back to California~~!! She took the taxi to the grayhound bus station, which would take her to the airport, because it was early in the morning.) It was a good memory bubble, I wrote a poem about it. ^^; But anyway, I have class now. Thats all I'm saying in this diary! Have to run... SAMPAI JUMPA!!!

Wednesday, November 06, 2002



well, this shouldn't be an entry. But I'm just so surprized! Taro sent me an e-mail~!

ok I know its just an e-mail, not so amazing? Well, Taro dosen't send e-mail so often.... In fact, this is only the 2nd email I have got from him in MY WHOLE LIFE. Wow!

...and you know? I'm also sitting here thinking how cool it will be to hang out with Kayo. Soon!

just wanted to say real quick...

found my keys!! ...I'm such a drunk... I got drunk one night and dropped them behind the TV. @_@ oops!


Monday, November 04, 2002

Weekend update:

miko, melissa nicky kayokayo christina hye jin (wilson)

Still haven't found my keys. It sucks. I want my house keys!! If you found them, please tell me. T.T

I had a fun weekend. Miko (My American friend Melissa's other name. She's the first icon on the left) had a Halloween house party, it was fun Melissa! There was a lot of crazy Americans and Japanese students there... Melissa was playing techno and some people were drinking. I brought some Corona with me, and shared a couple with friends... below is a picture of me (whats my costume?! Crazy Corean Soccer Fan!) and two of my crazy PABO Japanese friends: Satoshi & Sou. They were being crazy... (behind them Evan is peeping into the picture!)

image is a link
click on this image for a big version

On Saturday, I went over to Polly's house with Priscilla and later YK joined us and we all had dinner. Polly had made the food, it was really good. (I still don't have pictures of these people in the computer, so no icon for them!!) After that we walked over to Nicky's movie: Year Of The Horse! (Priscilla's friend Chris joined us there, he seems like a nice guy.) I really liked the movie. Its about 30 minutes long, and its so freaky-weird-cool. (Nicky is the second icon from the left)...After the movie Priscilla and Chris walked home to their dorms, but me and Polly checked out YK's dorm (real name: Yao King, right? Wrong?) He lives in the dorms right across from my appartment... we hung out there talking for awhile and then went home. When I went home I ran into Steve and Emily, and Emily's room mate who were going Star Watching.... so I went with them. It was fun, but really cold!! And we saw some weird spinning rainbow star-UFO thing?? Freaky! Sometime in here, I think it was before I went Star Watching, I called back Kayo (3rd icon) who had left a silly message on my answering machine. She had been to Orange Country, where I had lived for a short time when I was a kid. It was cool talking to her, but we just said hello and goodbye, no real conversation. And right now, I just finished my radio show. It was a quiet show... but I had fun. I like doing my show! I checked my answering machine from campus right now (it lets me check from any phone) and it said my American friend Christina (not the one I know here, but the cool one going to Wilson school who I met in Corea!) and also Hye Jin called me together (hye jin didn't say which hye jin she was, but because she was calling with Christina I think we know who it was!) so I put their two icons last... because that was so nice of them to call me!! Even if I was at my radio show, and I wasn't home. ... I need to go study for my midterm that is tomorrow! YIKES!! ... SAMPAI JUMPA!

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Welcome to a new function! From now until I decide its not fun, I will post small icons of anyone & everyone who calls me, hangs out with me, sends me something in the mail, or somehow changes my day in a fairly big way. I hope no one will get angry because of this...! your all looking good, don't worry! but its going to be fun! (If I don't have it, make sure to let me take your picture!)

kayo icon evan icon christina sakura

I LOST MY KEYS!! Thats the thought screaming through my mind right now. It really sucks, I cant find my house keys. ....
Kayo (first icon, above) called me a few days ago, in her conversations she always has something deep to share. I will NOT say she freaked out, because if I say that she'll kill me! ^^*; hehehe... although I will say I should learn more about culture behind language, its so hard! Kayo is cool though, I hope she likes her "kayo icon" (its kind of an old picture?... its kayo, right?? hehehe)... And tonight I accidently met two of my American friends (that I first met way back, last year!) first.. when I came home tonight Evan (middle picture) was at my house hanging out with Steve (my neighbor/room mate) .. I saw him real quick, but it was cool because he has new hair now!! Silver gray, looks interesting/freaky/cool~! I need a new picture of him... and I met Christina S. (last picture) because I needed my notebook which I left at her house... and she gave me a halloween present, thanks Christina! yeah, useless diary entries...?? but this is a diary! I can write whatever I want! ... Oh! I also hung out with my American friend Priscilla (I don't have her picture yet, so no icon!) and we watched this cool Hong Kong movie, The Eye. It was kind of scary!! If you like scary movies, check it out... (although its not very scary).,.. Life is a blur. But its ok. I thought I thunk right now:... If you can fly in your mind, you can sing in your soul.

Monday, October 28, 2002


Kayo sent me that cool TANKA poem by TAWARA MACHI. Its really cool. ^^

I enjoyed my weekend... so how about a useless capture of it so that I can feel like this is a REAL web diary. Like I said in the last entry, went to a silly dorm dance on Friday... stayed up way too late after that in the computer labs, but it was fun. On Saturday me and Nicky Loi were hanging out... actually I ignored him for a couple of hours so I could burn a CD on his computer of 18 new songs for Japan Radio... but after that he came over to my house for a little bit and I showed him my Korea pictures... . .. On Sunday I went over to Polly's house and saw her room mate's CRAZY holloween stuff all over the walls (ghosts, skulls, pumpkins, etc) and then I ran to my radio show and got there just in time! It was really fun, its always really fun, why do I like doing my radio show so much? (SUNDAYS! 89.3FM, from 3pm to 5pm, Japan Radio!) ...

In other news... Nicky Loi has finished YEAR OF THE HORSE, the silly totally indie (no budget) movie I acted with him and others in. Its funny, and you can see Dansen with a beard and acting bad! So if your around WWU campus... its Next Saturday, Nov 2nd, 7PM at the Fairhaven Auditorium. Check it out! woo, woo! (Free)

My life seems connected to a phone sometimes! ^^*; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ...... I still l haven't seen S.O. to thank her for the cool call from Wyoming (44th State to Join the USA!)... so if S.O. reads this: thanks dude! life connected to the connected to the phone... hehehe ^^*; ... Also talked to Marykoh who I haven't talked to in a very long time. I had promised to call her months ago, but I didn't until yesterday... I called her cell, and surprized her while she was hanging out with friends... it was fun talking to her though. She needs to be a 日本のセラピスト. Or something like that! Yeah. My freeboard has been interesting, I added smile icons to the messages and its funny-fun now! oh yeah. hehehe. But feel free to drop your comments there. I wrote this write now and I like it: Join the revolution, revolt against the leaders, and then revel in your real regal disregard for everything and everyone that ever was.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

I love the internet.

I have a list of e-mails I need to reply to, but I haven't because I haven't had the time to spend... although I've been on this computer for a long time tonight! Why? Because I love the internet. I started off tonight by going to a silly dance party at a dorm near my appartment, it was ok... hip hop and techno music, a lot of people, but I got bored... so I decided to go the computer labs to use the computers.... and I ended up on a knowledge quest. Every time I dip into the deep pool of the internet I'm amazemed at the huge endless depths of this information network. Anything and everything... This week I selected a picture from the Chinese Space Program for the picture on my sidebar, its an example of the endless info on the net. Do you know that mainland China is making a human space program? Maybe as soon as 2003, and they have plans for a moon colony by 2010. (Thats a colony, a living place.) .. ok!!! Ok!! I know all this is really geeky, and stupid, but this is just some of the vast piles of information on the internet. its amazing.

ok whatever. Thats what I have to say. 3AM, time to crash my eyes into my pillow.

Friday, October 25, 2002

I've switched the address for this "diary" thing to a site with ads, so that I can make sure it updates. (on my server it wasn't updating for some weird reason)

So whats been happening? Did I mention that maybe the court thing is over? And I'm not in the negetive? That was cool. School is being difficult. But its not so bad, I just like complaining because I'm silly. What else? oh! Šy‚µ‚Ý�I‚©‚æ‚©‚æ‚¿‚á‚ñ‚̓VƒAƒgƒ‹‚ƃxƒŠƒ“ƒOƒn�[ƒ€�i‚±‚±�j‚Ö�s‚­‚æ�I Kayo's coming up to visit here and I'm really happy about that. It'll be fun to hang out (its been years!), even though shes only going to be here so quickly. Any one have any ideas of cool places I should show her in Bellingham?

Polly brought me tons of food today, she didn't need/want it. But that was really nice of her, its good pork & rice. Yummy. Right now I'm at school, I'm going to go home and eat that in a few minutes. Yummy! OK. Enough useless thoughts from me (how can these thoughts be useless? Its my "Web diary", all this stuff is just "day to day" right?) anyway... I'm going home! (I got a big test tomorrow in Greek Lit.) .... sampai jumpa!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Well, I didn't win my court case or loose it. Thats all I have to say about that.

I had a really fun weekend. On Friday I did something really cool, but honestly right now my sleepless brain cant remember anything about what it was. On Saturday me an Even got together... drank plum sake and made weird music on his computer. It was kind of like me to Indonesian phrases, with me rapping/chanting in Japanese over a strange techno beat. It was freaky, and the "rap" was just freestyle ideas I thought of, and I'm sure it sucked.. but the whole experience was really awesome in my opinion. Will have to be repeated sometime. On Sunday I went over to Melissa's house for a study/watch movie session. It was really fun, although some of the Japanese people there found out I speak some Japanese (I've been trying to sort of keep it a secret~~!) but it was fun stretching my language ability and talking informal "cool" Japanese with the young dudes. Although I'm such my Japanese sounded dorky and very uncool. ^^*; but after that we watched WATERBOYS a Japanese movie about a group of high school boys who learn to synchronize swim... its a really crazy weird funny movie....! (check it out if you get the chance)... but while I was there I drank too much cafinee and that night (last night) I didnt fall asleep until after 7:00 in the morning!!! This morning I woke up at 9:30... I'm so tired right now. My head is thundering... but I'll be ok. If you look into the eye of the storm you forget the force of the external wind. Yeah, take that to the street and skate on it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002


Peronal dramas... it was so important to me, but others maybe didn't have my feeling of frustration...~

I got my loan check. I have been needing it for more than 2 weeks, and I finally got it. Worries off. I go to court regarding deciding if I owe a lot of money. Worries on.

But in the end, I think I don't have any worries about that ... its all just life, huh?

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

I cant figure out this "blogger" thing. Its mixing up my Japanese encoding.

Had a crazy weekend. Watched movies with Nickie (& crew) and Emily and Steve... we saw Remember The Titans. I'm really making this feel like a "diary" huh? Anyway.. On Saturday, Nicky (noticed the different spelling, its a different person) invited me to go with him to this kind of cool (but also a lot of old people were there, it felt silly that way) music show at some old-people (over 30s) bar downtown. Our friend (more Nicky's than mine) was playing lead guitar and singing, it was ok music and fun. After that I came home and drank myself to sleep (finished a whole bottle of cheap orange wine) ...before sleeping I played a lot of this really old video game (it was made in 1981!) called FROGGER. You have to try to get the frog across the street, with out getting hit by these cars and stuff. It was funny. I was singing in Japanese (I'm going to use romanji) "KAERU NO UTA GA KIKOETE KURU---AHH..KUSO!" when one of the cars would run over my poor little frog. The more I drank, the more often the poor frog would get hit by the cars. (Luckly he would be ok in a few seconds when the video game would reload.) I then watched some TV with Steve and then went off and faded into my bed. On Sunday I had a good radio show... Nickie and some of her Japanese friends were gunna come in with Emily, but none of them came in...~ none the less.. Evyan (Spelling?), Polly, and Polly's friend Priscilla came into the radio and played around and talked with me while I play the songs... so it wasn't so boring, and it was actually kinda fun. I had a "reject sunday" and played a lot of songs I had never played before. Some of the songs were really weird ("trippy" is the slang word for them)... but it was fun having fresh songs blow out across the air. (SUNDAYS! 3 to 5PM! 89.3FM!) Anyway, thats all I have to say for now.


Thursday, October 10, 2002


I sent an e-mail to someone today and I said that I decide that I was "sad" ... It wasn't a big feeling, and I didn't really feel "sad" but I felt like something was different. I think what was hitting me was all the current "problems" (money etc) that have been messing with me lately. Well, I was walking out of an office today with even more bad news and I was caught up in that thought when suddenly I walked by this guy that I totally didn't know, and he smiled as he walked past and said:

"Man, you always are so happy, you always look happy as fuck man!"

(For those of us trying to learn more English, his saying "fuck" here dosen't mean he is angry, it just means "very happy") I was suddenly snapped back from my inside thoughts to the outside world and I realized I had been singing a little song to myself with a big smile on my face. I kinda laughed and as he was going one way, and me another way, I pointed to my head and said: "Its natural, in here!" and told him to have a good day. That made me start thinking. If I thought I was sad, why aren't I? Its kind of a weird thought~ . . .

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Monday, October 07, 2002

More thoughts...

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I had a potluck yesterday in my small appartment. So many people came, it was really fun.

It was fun squeezeing everyone in, and we had lots of good food:

apples, sushi, cookies, sandwhiches, turkey, orange juice, etc.


After everyone left, I was sitting and my floor and I couldn't feel sleepy.

My thoughts were jumping around in my head, and my feelings

were crawling around in my brain, and so I decided to start drinking.

So, I drank my self to sleep again. Not really so smart, but it works.

In a few minutes, I'm going to go to my radio show. I'm going to play

a lot of the Pizzicato Five CD that cool Kayo sent me. Its a realy cool CD,

and so maybe today is Pizzicato day. ^^ 5 to tha Pizzo, jive to tha cato-faiiiive.

Or something like that. Dansen is finishing his thoughts... one more thought,

this diary is setup so really old entries will be deleted by new ones.. . so its

kind of like life. Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy your moments.

I don't know what I'm saying today. ¤¸¤ã¡¢¤Þ¤¿¤Í¤¨¡Á


Thursday, October 03, 2002

Hello everyone. This is my "freechal" copy. ㅋㅋㅋ ..I'm trying to make a interesting diary thing.

Its a public diary, so maybe you won't see anything shocking (or maybe you will~!)

I have no problem saying I'm totally copying this idea from many other people,

including my friend Nicky who has the exact same system on his website.

But this is my thoughts of whats happening. Keep on reading~!

do you know what? its my fate dude. I just wrote this long winded totally geeky

but really cool thought about Greeks & anciant Japanese ideas. and the damn

computer just died, and I lost it all. うそ!パスコンはヤバイね! It really sucks.

Maybe I'll say something quickly, and more stupid sounding this time.

I'm taking a Greek Litature class. グリクーの文学。I was thinking about

how anciant Greek and anciant Japanese Shinto has almost the same ideas!

The teacher was explaining the basic ideas behind traditional Greek thought:

1) honor gods, 2) honor parents 3) honor the dead 4) honor guests & hosts...

and this is totally old Japanese thoughts! The number 2 is kind of a result of

confusist but at the same time it mixed into old Shinto...~ but the rest have been

with Shinto for a long time! Shinto & Greek are both "polytheistic" (many gods)

although the main difference is Greek relgion is "anthropomorphic" (making gods

seem like real humans) but Shinto isn't (or am I wrong? is it?)... anyway... thats

enough geeky crap from me. blah blah blah, I dont stop talking.


帰りたい。おやすみ! thats all from me for now... SAMPAI JUMPA!

All original content CC 2002-2012 BY NC SA - first design from dilarangmelarang altered by neonvirus and thunderbunny.